
16. Januar 2018

NeuroBioTheory Seminar

Scaling behaviour of neural structure derived from optimal wiring principles

Sprecher: Hermann Cuntz (FIAS & ESI)


20. Februar 2018 13:00 Uhr

NeuroBioTheory Seminar

The NeuroBioTheory seminar takes place each Tuesday at 13:00 in FIAS.

Original presented research in the fields of computational neuroscience and computational biology.


27. Februar 2018 13:00 Uhr

NeuroBioTheory Seminar

The NeuroBioTheory seminar takes place each Tuesday at 13:00 in FIAS.

Original presented research in the fields of computational neuroscience and computational biology.


7. März 2018 14:00 Uhr


FIAS Lectures on complexity (in Englisch)

Complexity science deals with the offspring, or emergence, of large scale order and structure, in open, non-equilibrium systems. Unexpected and unpredicted order can emerge from simple interactions among myriads of individuals, or degrees of freedom. Phase transitions and their implied criticality give rise to natural phenomena and properties that form a new, higher level of order which can not be deduced from the properties at the microscopic level. Examples range from the emergence of space and time in the cosmological evolution, to the evolution of the biosphere, to economic growth, or consciousness. One may seek for a new kind of natural laws governing dynamical systems of nature. The event adresses itself to the scientific community – from graduate students to senior scientists.

GIS 2018 header

28. August 2018

Giersch International Symposium

The Logistics of Neuronal Function

Unter dem Thema: "The Logistics of Neural Funktion" findet das 3. Giersch international Symposium findet vom 28.08.-07.09.2018 am FIAS statt. Das Symposium bringt führende Experimentatoren, Theoretiker und Methodenentwickler aus dem Gebiet der Neurowissenschaften zusammen, um sich über grundlegende Fragen auszutauschen. Ziel ist es, die Funktionsweise und logistischen Herausforderungen von Nervenzellen von Grund auf zu verstehen.
