
16. Januar 2018

NeuroBioTheory Seminar

Scaling behaviour of neural structure derived from optimal wiring principles

Sprecher: Hermann Cuntz (FIAS & ESI)

GIS 2018 header

28. August 2018

Giersch International Symposium

The Logistics of Neuronal Function

Unter dem Thema: "The Logistics of Neural Funktion" findet das 3. Giersch international Symposium findet vom 28.08.-07.09.2018 am FIAS statt. Das Symposium bringt führende Experimentatoren, Theoretiker und Methodenentwickler aus dem Gebiet der Neurowissenschaften zusammen, um sich über grundlegende Fragen auszutauschen. Ziel ist es, die Funktionsweise und logistischen Herausforderungen von Nervenzellen von Grund auf zu verstehen.

plantphys Poster 03.03.2020

3. März 2020 09:00 Uhr

plantphys Colloquium

Es spricht: Liv Celin Krämer

Seit diesem Monat findet im FIAS monatlich das plantphys Colloquium statt, dass Forschungsgruppen aus Frankfurt ein Forum bieten soll eigene Forschungsergebnisse zu präsentieren oder auch Gastwissenschaftler einzuladen. Die Vorträge werden in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Cell Migration Alf Gerisch
© Dr. Alf Gerisch

6. März 2020 11:00 Uhr

Vortrag: Modelling and Simulation of Collective Cell Migration:

Cross-diffusion and Attracting/Repelling Nonlocal Interactions

Prof. Dr. Alf Gerisch hält am 6. März um 11 Uhr einen Vortrag auf englisch. Eine Kurzbeschreibung finden Sie hier.

M2C Seminar: 18.11.

18. November 2020 14:00 Uhr

Seminar: Multiskalen-Modellierung von Covid-19

Models to address healthcare demand and vaccination needs

Am 18. November wird Jane Heffernan von der York University der nächste Sprecher in unserem Seminar über die Multiskalenmodellierung von Covid-19 sein. Er wird einen Vortrag über "Models to address healthcare demand and vaccination needs" halten.


18. November 2020 19:00 Uhr

Wenn Maschinen immer klüger werden

Web Talk zu Chancen und Grenzen der Künstlichen Intelligenz

Die Friedrich Nauman Stiftung für die Freiheit lädt zum Webtalk mit unserem Senior Fellow Christoph von der Malsburg und FDP Bundestagsabgeordneten Manuel Höferlin ein.

M2C Seminar 02.12.

2. Dezember 2020 14:00 Uhr

Seminar: Multiskalen-Modellierung von Covid-19

Geospatial network epidemiology to guide economic activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico City

Am 2. Dezember wird Guillermo de Anda-Jáuregui vom National Institute of Genomic Medicine Mexico, der nächste Sprecher in unserem Seminar über die Multiskalenmodellierung von Covid-19 sein. Er wird einen Vortrag über "Geospatial network epidemiology to guide economic activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico City" halten.

GSIC Webslider

22. Februar 2021 09:00 Uhr

Vorankündigung: Giersch – Summer School & International Conference


Das FIAS und die wissenschaftlichen Netzwerke DynaMem, CMMS, 'Xidian-FIAS Joint Research Center' (XF-JRC), die Rhein-Main-Universitäten und das Graduiertenprogramm GRADE - iQbio freuen sich, eine internationale Konferenz & Sommerschule zur theoretischen und experimentellen quantitativen Zellbiologie anzubieten. Die Veranstaltung konzentriert sich auf theoretische Aspekte in den Biowissenschaften und darüber hinaus. Die Veranstaltung ist mit Ausnahme der "Laureatus Award"-Zeremonie ausschließlich online.

Gehirn Karte

22. Februar 2021 17:30 Uhr

Öffentlicher Vortrag "The AI world"

von Chris Boos, arago GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany

Chris Boos has a mission: empowering human potential, freeing up time for creativity and innovative thinking through artificial intelligence (AI). To that end, Chris founded arago in Germany in 1995, pushing existing boundaries in AI technology to build a general AI. Since then, Chris has led arago to become a key partner and driver for the established economy, positioning arago’s AI HIRO™ as a platform for companies to reinvent their business models in the digital age.

flüssiger Stickstoff

23. Februar 2021 13:00 Uhr

Öffentlicher Vortrag "High-resolution cryoEM of membrane protein complexes"

by Werner Kühlbrandt, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics Frankfurt, Germany

Structural biology and molecular cell biology is currently undergoing a revolution, brought about by technical developments in electron cryo-microscopy (cryoEM). The "resolution revolution" in cryoEM is primarily due to a new generation of direct electron detectors and image processing programs. With these developments it is now possible to determine the detailed structures and molecular mechanisms of large and dynamic protein assemblies, in particular membrane proteins, that have been intractable for decades. Single-particle cryoEM of membrane protein complexes now routinely achieves 2-3 Å resolution, where all sidechains, cofactors and (in the case of membrane proteins) lipids, bound ions and even water molecules in a protein complex are visible. As an added bonus, cryoEM simultaneously records images of co-existing conformational states of a protein complex; the different conformations can be separated by image processing and put into a functional sequence. Using the same instruments, electron cryo-tomography (cryoET) can image macromolecular assemblies in their cellular or organellar environment at increasingly high resolution. We combine both approaches to investigate the structure and molecular mechanisms of energy-converting membrane protein complexes. CryoET of Mgm1 on lipid membranes indicates how this mechano-chemical GTPase may shape the mitochondrial cristae. CryoET of mitochondrial mem-branes indicates that the respiratory chain supercomplex is essentially conserved from plants to mammals. Single-particle cryoEM of complex I from Yarrowia lipolytica reveals bound substrates and lipids at 3.2 Å resolution. While the chloroplast ATP synthase is monomeric, all mitochondrial ATP synthases form dimers that assemble into long rows that induce local membrane curvature. Single-particle cryoEM of the chloroplast ATP synthase shows how the complex is turned off at night to prevent unproductive ATP hydrolysis. The 2.7 Å map of a mitochondrial ATP synthase dimer resolves 13 different rotary substates, providing unexpected new insights into the universal mechanism of ATP synthesis by rotary catalysis that drives most cellular processes.

Teaser Vortrag Meier-Schellersheim

24. Februar 2021 13:00 Uhr

Öffentlicher Vortrag "Aim for mechanistic models!"

by Martin Meier-Schellersheim, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Bethesda, USA

Theoretical modeling in cell biology has to strike a balance between finding parsimonious, manageable models with not too many parameters or assumptions that are not directly accessible to experimentation on one hand and, on the other hand, not suggesting models that are regarded as too simplistic and biologically unrealistic. During the search for such balance, it is frequently overlooked that concise models implicitly make many assumptions without actually exposing them to scrutiny. In my talk, I will illustrate this issue using computational models of simple signaling pathways and show how detailed mechanistic models of intracellular reaction networks can be explored efficiently. We combine both approaches to investigate the structure and molecular mechanisms of energy-converting membrane protein complexes. CryoET of Mgm1 on lipid membranes indicates how this mechano-chemical GTPase may shape the mitochondrial cristae. CryoET of mitochondrial mem-branes indicates that the respiratory chain supercomplex is essentially conserved from plants to mammals. Single-particle cryoEM of complex I from Yarrowia lipolytica reveals bound substrates and lipids at 3.2 Å resolution. While the chloroplast ATP synthase is monomeric, all mitochondrial ATP synthases form dimers that assemble into long rows that induce local membrane curvature. Single-particle cryoEM of the chloroplast ATP synthase shows how the complex is turned off at night to prevent unproductive ATP hydrolysis. The 2.7 Å map of a mitochondrial ATP synthase dimer resolves 13 different rotary substates, providing unexpected new insights into the universal mechanism of ATP synthesis by rotary catalysis that drives most cellular processes.

Teaser Vortrag Südhof

25. Februar 2021 17:00 Uhr

Öffentlicher Vortrag "Molecular codes enabling brain function"

by Thomas Südhof, Stanford University, USA

For a person to think, act, or feel, the neurons in a person’s brain must communicate continuously, rapidly, and repeatedly. This communication occurs at synapses, specialized junctions between neurons that transfer and compute information on a millisecond timescale. By forming synapses with each other, neurons are organized into vast overlapping neural circuits. As intercellular junctions, synapses are asymmetric with a presynaptic terminal that emits a transmitter signal and a postsynaptic cell that receives this signal. Synapses differ in properties and exhibit distinct types of plasticity, enabling fast information processing as well as learning and memory. Synapses are the most vulnerable component of the brain whose dysfunction initiates multifarious brain disorders. Despite their importance, however, synapses are poorly understood beyond basic principles. Thomas Südhof’s laboratory studies how synapses form in the brain and how their properties are specified, which together organize neural circuits. Moreover, the Südhof laboratory examines how synapses become dysfunctional in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders to pave the way for better therapies.

Teaser Vortrag Marine biodervisty

1. März 2021 13:00 Uhr

Öffentlicher Vortrag "Marine biodiversity advances in a digital era"

by Hanieh Saeedi, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum

After a general introduction on how to define normativity, we survey different accounts on the relationship between normative and non-normative properties and the use of our language. In the second part of our talk, we focus on the concept of biodiversity as a case study involving conservation biology techniques and social sciences.

Teaser Widl Vortrag

2. März 2021 17:00 Uhr

Öffentlicher Vortrag "AI in industry"

by Andreas Widl, SAMSON AG

Andreas Widl is CEO of the SAMSON AG. SAMSON operates wherever there is controlled flow of oils, gases, vapors or chemical substances. Valves are our core business. With our valves, we are active in a market that has enormous potential for future innovations. We are further expanding the valves' decentralized intelligence. By developing new, smart systems, we are transforming process automation to the benefit of our customers and to achieve greater flexibility, safety and reliability in industrial processes.

Teaser Peter Wild

3. März 2021 13:00 Uhr

Öffentlicher Vortrag "Challenges in medicine"

by Peter Wild, Senckenberg Institute of Pathology

Structured pathological findings, digital histological and radiology images, and molecular data are the basis for personalized medicine, where individual predictions can be made for each individual patient. The Dr. Senckenberg Institute of Pathology is an important and central component for the implementation of the concept of precision medicine.

Teaser Helmstädter

4. März 2021 09:00 Uhr

Öffentlicher Vortrag "From image to brain function"

by Moritz Helmstädter, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt am Main

The goal of the Helmstaedter Department is to decipher how the cerebral cortex stores sensory experience and uses it to detect objects in the current environment. To this end, they develop and apply methods for measuring communication maps of neuronal circuits, connectomes. They strive to push the frontiers of connectomics to make the mapping of neuronal circuits a high-throughput technique.


9. September 2022 19:00 Uhr

CMMS Retreat 5.-9. September

Das erste CMMS-Retreat für eine Woche in der Fränkischen Schweiz. 21 Wissenschaftler:innen genießen ein buntes Programm aus Kursen, Projektarbeit, Diskussionen des Centers for Multiscale Modelling in Life Sciences - sowie Kajak-, Höhlen- und Wandertouren und gemütliche Stunden am Lagerfeuer.


25. Mai 2023 14:00 Uhr


Dr. Tzer Han Tan visits CMMS Talks

Dr. Tzer Han Tan from Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden talks about "Emergent mechanics and topology of multicellular systems".

CMMS Talks Teaser

19. September 2023 17:00 Uhr

CMMS Seminar: TCR-pMHC complex formation triggers CD3 dynamics

von Floris van Eerden (Department of Systems Immunology, Osaka University)

Das spezielle CMMS-Seminar begrüßt Floris van Eerden von der Abteilung für Systemimmunologie der Universität Osaka in Frankfurt.

Life & Neuro Teaser

7. März 2024 14:00 Uhr

Neuroscience Lecture: The Development of Feedforward-Recurrent Networks Underlying Robust Sensory Representations in the Primary Visual Cortex

Dr. Augusto Lempel vom Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience zu Gast am FIAS

Dr. Augusto Lempel spricht am Donnerstag, 07. März 2024, um 14 Uhr im Raum 0.101.
