18. Juli 2024 17:00 Uhr / Wissenschaftler

Vortrag: "Simulating the bacterial cell wall: how complex is the peptidoglycan conformational space, and can we recover it with coarse-grain representations?​"

Dr. Manuel N. Melo

CMMS Talks Teaser

Veranstaltungsort: FIAS Lecture Hall 0.100 / Online

Unsere nächste Ausgabe der "CMMS Talks" findet am Donnerstag, den 18. Juli 2024 um 17.00 Uhr im Hörsaal 0.100 statt. Sprechen wird Dr. Manuel N. Melo (Universität Lissabon).

Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten, daher sind die folgenden Informationen ebenfalls Englisch. 


In this lecture I will show my lab's ongoing computational work in the parameterization and application of coarse-grain models to simulate peptidoglycan. While diving into details of structural biology of glycans and advanced techniques in coarse-grain parameterization, I will describe how this journey started several years ago, the unexpected findings we have observed -- with important consequence to our understanding of peptidoglycan's biological function -- and how we have tackled the challenges of representing this macromolecule within the Martini coarse-grain framework, so that we can eventually simulate bacterium-sized cell walls.


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Thema: CMMS Talks Summer Semester 2024 Meeting-ID: 894 0449 7415 Kenncode: 379805

CMMS Project