Konferenzen und Workshops 2011
Da das FIAS ein internationales Institut ist, sind die Konferenzseiten in der Regel englischsprachig.
- Mind Group, "Explanatory Models of Consciousness", 15. Meeting of the Junior Research Group "Philosophy of Mind", Frankfurt, Oct. 20 - 23, 2011
- NUFRA2011, "Third International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation", Kemer, Turkey, Oct. 2 - 9, 2011
- Nano-IBCT, 1st Nano-IBCT Conference "Radiation Damage of Biomolecular Systems: Nano-scale Insights into Ion Beam Cancer Therapy", Caen, France, Oct. 2 - 6, 2011
- TORIC, Network Workshop "TORIC", Heraclion, Crete, September 5 - September 8, 2011
- NeD-2011 "International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Dynamics", Heraclion, Crete, August 31 - September 3, 2011
- ICDL-EpiRob 2011, "First Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics", Frankfurt, August 24 - 27, 2011
- ISACC 2011, "Fifth International Symposium Atomic Cluster Collisions", Berlin, Germany, July 20 - 25, 2011
- Ernst Strüngmann Forum, "Evolving the Mechanisms of Decision Making - Toward a Darwinian Decision Theory", FIAS, Frankfurt, June 19 - 24, 2011
- Mind Group, "Ethics and Neuroscience: Empirical, Conceptual and Normative Issues", 14. Meeting of the Junior Research Group "Philosophy of Mind", Frankfurt, June 2-5, 2011
- Ernst Strüngmann Forum, "Language, Music and the Brain - A Mysterious Relationship", FIAS, Frankfurt, May 8 - 13, 2011
- Ernst Strüngmann Forum, "Cognitive Search - Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain", FIAS, Frankfurt, February 20 - 25, 2011
- EMMI, FIAS EMMI Day, Frankfurt, January 11, 2011