Conference: Bridging Fields in Creativity Research

Towards circuit mechanisms of the creative process.

Oppenheim Amtsgericht

Kreativität ist das Herzstück vieler menschlicher Fähigkeiten und ein wichtiger Motor des Fortschritts in unserem Leben. Trotz bedeutender Fortschritte in der Kreativitätsforschung, insbesondere im Bereich der Psychologie und der kognitiven Wissenschaften, sind die Grundlagen der Kreativität auf der Ebene neuronaler Schaltkreise im Gehirn weiterhin unklar. Um diese Lücke zu schließen organisieren wir eine zweitägige interdisziplinäre Konferenz, bei der wir führende Experten aus dem Bereich der Kreativitätsforschung mit Experten experimenteller und theoretischer Neurowissenschaften zusammenbringen. Unser Ziel ist es einheitliche Ansätze zur Operationalisierung von Kreativität zu erarbeiten und mögliche neuronale Mechanismen für Kreativität zu diskutieren. Durch die Zusammenarbeit von Kognitionswissenschaftlern, System-Neurowissenschaftlern und Informatikexperten schaffen wir einen Rahmen für die Entwicklung neuer theoretischer und experimenteller Konzepte zur Erforschung kreativer Prozesse.

Da die Konferenz in englischer Sprache gehalten wird, die folgenden Informationen auf Englisch:

Date: 11 Sep – 13 Sep 2024

Location: Altes Amtsgericht Oppenheim (

Logo Creativity Conference

Please revisit this webpage again, additional information will be added.


Creativity is an essential human trait that is defined by the formation of novel and useful ideas and concepts. It has been identified as a key factor for progress and advancement in various areas of our daily lives. Current research on creativity has made great advances using cognitive and psychological approaches. However, progress in the field is still hampered by heterogeneous conceptualizations and operationalizations of creativity. Furthermore, the foundation of creativity on the level of neuronal networks that would offer a deeper understanding of creative processes remains elusive. We firmly believe that a deeper insight of the general neural processes underlying creative thought has potentially huge implications for the understanding of human and eventually also non-human brain as well as artificial neuronal networks.

Creativity research

Conference on creativity

Due to this void of knowledge, combined with a growing need for creative thinking, we organize an interdisciplinary conference of total two days length to bridge different fields of creativity research. We bring together leading experts on creativity from different scientific disciplines to discuss unifying approaches to operationalize creativity, investigate its neural mechanisms and develop theoretical and experimental concepts to probe and corroborate such mechanisms, especially on the level of neuronal networks. For this reason, we provide an interdisciplinary framework for the conference and bring experts from cognitive science together with systems neuroscientists as well as experts from computer science. Participants of the conference will have the chance to integrate their own research into a translational and multidisciplinary framework of creativity. Thus, we are confident that all subject areas will benefit from this interconnection by developing approaches that span and link multiple research disciplines.

Program (preliminary)

Join us for an engaging three-day conference designed to foster intensive interdisciplinary exchange. This single-track event will bring together 50 to 100 participants from various fields. Further details regarding the schedule and session specifics will be provided closer to the event date. We look forward to your participation in this dynamic gathering.

Dates: 11-13 September

11 Sep: 

  • Afternoon arrival
  • Welcome reception
  • Opening keynote at 6 pm

12 Sep: 

  • Full day of workshops, presentations, and panel discussions.

13 Sep: 

  • Morning sessions
  • Standing lunch until 3 pm
  • Departures in the afternoon

Confirmed Speakers

Anna Abraham (U Georgia, USA)
Jaan Aru (U Tartu, Estonia)
Roger Beaty (Penn State, USA)
Mathias Benedek (U Graz, Austria)
Carlos Brody (Princeton, USA)
Caroline di Bernardi Luft (Brunel U London, UK)
Yoed Kenett (Technion, Israel)
Kristian Kersting (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Daniel Schacter (Harvard, USA)
Claire Stevenson (U Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Tony Veale (U Dublin, Ireland)
Angela Yu (TU Darmstadt, Germany)


The Creativity Conference 2024 will be held at the historic Altes Amtsgericht Oppenheim, a charming venue located in the picturesque town of Oppenheim, Germany. For more information, visit Altes Amtsgericht Oppenheim.


Altes Amtsgericht Oppenheim
Amtsgerichtsplatz 1
55276 Oppenheim

Location Oppenheim Creativity Conference


