February 22, 2021 9:00 AM / Scientists
Announcement: Giersch – Summer School & International Conference

Venue: online
FIAS and the scientific networks DynaMem, CMMS, ‘Xidian-FIAS Joint Research Center’ (XF-JRC), the Rhein-Main Universities, and the graduate program GRADE – iQbio are pleased to offer an international conference & summer school on theoretical and experimental quantitative Cell Biology. The event focuses on theoretical aspects in life sciences and beyond. The event is solely online except for the "Laureatus Award" Ceremony. The 8-day event combines a conference with summer school elements consisting of expert lectures from leading scientists, next-generation talks, and lab demonstrations (see the program for details). Each day has a special topic.
The aims of our Giersch – Summer School & International Conference are:
- We aim to foster exchange between experimental and theoretical research by creating a platform for networking
- We aim to present cutting edge science in the afore mentioned research field
- We aim to present cutting edge methods from the experimental and theoretical field of multiscale biology
The event is open to up to 300 participants. The registration will be open from mid-December until January 31th.
You will receive a confirmation of participation. Your log-in data will be sent shortly before the event. Normally all common operating systems should work to join the events.
More Information:
Bernd Märtens, Phone: +49 (0)69/798-49418,
email: b.maertens_at_em.uni-frankfurt.de,
Address: Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Max-von-Laue-Str. 9, 60348 Frankfurt am Main, Germany