March 3, 2021 1:00 PM / Everyone
Challenges in medicine
by Peter Wild, Senckenberg Institute of Pathology

Venue: online
Structured pathological findings, digital histological and radiology images, and molecular data are the basis for personalized medicine, where individual predictions can be made for each individual patient. The Dr. Senckenberg Institute of Pathology is an important and central component for the implementation of the concept of precision medicine.
The Speaker
After finishing medical school at the University of Regensburg in 2001, he started his residency in pathology (University Hospital Regensburg, Hamburg-Eppendorf and Zürich). From 2001 until 2005 he did a postgraduate training in medical biometrics at the University of Heidelberg. In May 2008, he received my German Board Certification in Pathology from the Hamburg Medical Association and in May 2010 the Swiss Board Certification in Pathology (FMH). Following two-year postdoctoral studies with Prof. Wilhelm Krek at the Institute of Cell Biology, ETH Zurich, he worked from 2010 until 2012 as staff physician at the Institute of Surgical Pathology and Molecular Pathology, University Hospital Zurich. In September 2012, he was appointed Assistant Professor (tenure track) for Systems Pathology and became attending physician at the Institute of Surgical Pathology and Molecular Pathology, University Hospital Zurich. As principal investigator and director of the High-Throughput Genomics and Proteomics Laboratory at the University Hospital Zurich, he was responsible for integrating next generation sequencing and mass spectrometry techniques into clinical practice. In 2016, he became Full-Professor for Systems Pathology at the University of Zurich. He has successfully attracted third-party funding (e.g. Horizon 2020) and received the Rudolf-Virchow-Prize of the German Society of Pathology in 2013. This has enabled him to establish a dynamic research laboratory in the field of systems pathology. Besides, he was an active reviewer for the European Research Council (ERC) and a number of high ranked peer-reviewed journals including Nature Medicine and Nature Communications on ad hoc basis. In September 2020 Peter Wild became a Senior Fellow at FIAS.
The Lecture Series:
In the line of the Giersch – Summer School & International Conference on “Theoretical and Experimental Quantitative Cell Biology”. Interested people from all over the world are invited to join the series of public lectures live broadcasted from the 22. of February to the 4th of March 2021. Designated experts give insights in their research work and visions on future developments. The public lectures are part of the Giersch Summer School & Conference funded by the Giersch Foundation and FIAS and the scientific networks LOEWE DynaMem, LOEWE CMMS, ‘Xidian-FIAS Joint Research Center’ (XF-JRC), the Rhein-Main Universities, and the graduate program GRADE – IQbio.