September 9, 2022 7:00 PM / Students
CMMS Retreat 5-9 September

First CMMS retreat for one week in Franconian Switzerland. 21 researchers enjoy a busy programme of courses, project work, discussions of the Center for Multiscale Modelling in Life Sciences - as well as kayak, cave and hiking tours and cosy hours around the campfire.
The participants like the very good atmosphere, both socially and scientific. Every day there are lectures on the current research activities of the individual participants. New project ideas are discussed in small groups during intensive project work. In addition, there are crash courses on topics such as machine learning and AI, stochastics and others. On Thursday, the focus is on a lecture by an external speaker.
The participants are enthusiastic about the good support in the hotel and the wonderful location in the middle of nature, which makes a great kayak tour, hikes in small groups and an individually guided cave tour on Thursday possible.