February 8, 2024 2:00 PM / Scientists
Deciphering the spatio-temporal dynamics of infection and immune processes
"CMMS Talks" event with a talk by Prof. Dr. Frederik Graw (University Clinic of Erlangen)

Venue: FIAS Lecture Hall / online
Our next "CMMS Talks" event with a talk by Prof. Dr. Frederik Graw will take place on Thursday, 08 February 2024 at 2 p.m. in the FIAS lecture hall.
The spread of a pathogen within an infected host, as well as the development of counteracting immune responses represent complex dynamical systems that involve various cell types and factors. Identifying the key processes that determine the outcome of an infection or the generation of successful immune responses requires to decipher the interaction of individual cells and molecular factors across multiple scales in space and time. While advances within experimental techniques and high-throughput data acquisition have increased our ability to study immune processes in an unprecedented level of detail, analysing these data and getting to a mechanistic understanding of the various biological processes involved requires an interdisciplinary approach that combines image analysis, mathematical modelling and improved methods for parameter inference. In my talk, I will show how combining experimental data with data-driven modelling can be used to reveal the interactive dynamics of infection and immunity within tissues, and to infer the development of immunity in response to vaccination.
We will run a Zoom session:
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