September 28, 2022 4:00 PM / Scientists
FIAS Geoscience Seminar Series

Venue: online
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Schmitz from 'Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research – FUNVISIS & Central University of Venezuela - UCV ' The FIAS Geoscience Seminar Series is conducted online every two weeks.
The Venezuelan (Mérida) Andes in western Venezuela are the northernmost expression of the Andean Mountain chain that results from the subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate beneath the South American (SA) continent. In northwestern SA, an additional component is the eastward movement of the Caribbean plate, which partially subducts beneath SA at a shallow angle, and without volcanic activity. In the last 50 years, different evolutional models for the Mérida Andes have been proposed. Therefore, during the last decade, interdisciplinary studies have been done in the scope of the GIAME (Integrated Geosciences of the Merida Andes) and CARMA (CARibbean Merida Andes seismic experiment) projects. The Andean crustal root is increasing from 40 km in the north (almost without root) to more than 50 km in the south, and the relation to the surrounding sedimentary basins were established. The subducting Caribbean plate shows a complex geometry of different segments, partially detached from each other. Near surface fault systems constitute a high seismic hazard to the region.
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Topic: FIAS Geoscience Seminar Series Time: Sep 28, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 864 3530 0727 Passcode: 544201