March 11, 2024 3:00 PM / Scientists
Neuroscience Lecture: Testing the stability of the critical network state in cerebral cortex
Dr. Ralf Wessel from Washington University in St. Louis visits FIAS

Venue: FIAS lecture hall
Dr. Ralf Wessel speaks on Monday, 11 March 2024, at 3 p.m. in room 0.100.
Accumulating evidence supports the hypothesis that parts of cerebral cortext operate near dynamic criticality. This raises questions as to the stability of the network state when the neural circuits are being perturbed. I will present experiments designed to address this stability question in the context of (i) sleep restoring the network state (Nature Neuroscience 2024), (ii) visual deprivation acting as a homeostatic challence (Neuron 2019), (iii) neural reorganization during motor learning (J Neurophysiology 2020), and (iv) adaption to sensory inputs (Nature Neuroscience 2015).