September 13, 2023 11:30 AM / Scientists
Workshop Seismology and Artificial Intelligence
13th September to 15th September 2023

Venue: FIAS
The Seismology and Artificial Intelligence workshop funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF) is being organised from 13th September to 15th September 2023 at Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies. This workshop is part of an established project ´Seismology and AI -SAI´ at FIAS and Institute of Geosciences, Goethe University.
The complex nature of seismic events makes it particularly challenging to efficiently extract information from the geophysical data by just using the classical statistical tools. Furthermore, due to simplified assumptions, analytical methods might encounter certain limitations. The cutting-edge research in Deep Learning/Machine learning is already providing powerful tools in handling massive data and in extracting desired features.
This three-day event will bring together experts, early career researchers as well as experienced scientist, from both Artificial Intelligence and various domains of Seismology to not only explore the numerous unique, novel, interdisciplinary methods and computational solutions which these methods are offering but also to envision the future direction and associated challenges where the research is headed.'