Conferences and Workshops 2015

  • Ernst Strüngmann Forum, "Evolutionary and Economic Strategies for Benefitting from Other Agents’ Investments", FIAS, Frankfurt, November 1-6, 2015
  • NUFRA 2015, "Fifth International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation", Kemer (Antalya), Turkey, October 4-11, 2015
  • KSM2015, "Karl Schwarzschild Meeting 2015", FIAS, Frankfurt, July 20-24, 2015
  • Ernst Strüngmann Forum, "Computational Psychiatry - What Can Theoretical Neuroscience and Psychiatry Teach Each Other?", FIAS, Frankfurt, June 28 - July 3, 2015
  • Mind Group, "Interacting Minds: Embodiment, Agency, and Self-Consciousness", 22. Meeting of the Junior Research Group "Philosophy of Mind", Frankfurt, April 22-24, 2015
  • STAR Collaborative Meeting, "Heavy Quark Production, Jets and Correlations", Prague, February 9-11, 2015
  • Ernst Strüngmann Forum, "Complexity and Evolution - A New Synthesis for Economics", FIAS, Frankfurt, February 1-6, 2015