Cooperative project: NET-ALLOK

Methods and applications of network cost allocation, Subproject: Methods and analysis of cost allocation methods in the operation of the electricity system.
The efficient operation and expansion of the transmission grid is an essential component for the integration of renewable energies. Grid operators counter the increasing number of grid congestions by short-term control measures. The planning of grid expansion to reduce congestion in the long term is decoupled from the regional load or generation planning of individual market players, which increases the overall expansion requirement. Allocation of network costs in accordance with the polluter-pays principle can stimulate system-serving behavior by market players in both the short and long term.
The aim of this research project is to investigate the current and future grid usage in the context of the advancing energy transition and to methodically record a system-appropriate allocation of short- and long-term grid costs. In the project, algorithms for load flow allocation and grid cost allocation will be developed, evaluated and systematically compared. The effect of different cost allocation approaches on short-term operating and long-term investment decisions in the German electricity market will be investigated using existing electricity grid models.
The open-source python library "netallocation" was developed as part of the joint project.
This enables the allocation of power flows to individual benefits in the power system and is linked to the software framework Python for Power System Analysis (PyPSA).
python libraryProject management
Prof. Dr. Horst Stöcker (Leading scientist)
Dr. Alexander Kies