NUFRA2007, International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation, Kemer, Turkey, Sept. 24 - Oct. 1, 2007
Neuro_School: Summer School "Theoretical Neuroscience & Complex Systems", Frankfurt, August 4 - 26, 2007
ISACC2007, Atomic Cluster Collisions: structure and dynamics from the nuclear to the biological scale, Darmstadt, July 19-23, 2007
Ernst Strüngmann Forum, "Better than Conscious? Exploiting the Capacity of Humans to Reach Decisions by Both Serial and Parallel Processing of Information", FIAS, Frankfurt, June 10-15, 2007
NCRH2007, Numerical and Conceptual Issues in Relativistic Hydrodynamics, Frankfurt, April 16 - 19, 2007
Workshop"Latest Results on QGP Collective Properties", Frankfurt, Feb. 7-9, 2007