- International Symposium on Supercritical Fields, FIAS, Frankfurt, November 4–5, 2013
- Ernst Strüngmann Forum, "Formative Childhoods: A Path to Peace?", FIAS, Frankfurt, October 13-19, 2013
- EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force Meeting "Quark Matter in Compact Stars", FIAS, Frankfurt, October 7-10, 2013
- NUFRA 2013, "Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation", Kemer (Antalya), Turkey, September 29 - October 6, 2013
- ICCMNM - 2013, "International Conference on Computational Modelling of Nanostructured Materials", FIAS, Frankfurt, September 3 - 6, 2013
- Mini-Meeting "QCD Phase Diagram and Holography", FIAS, Frankfurt, July 27 - 28, 2013
- KSM 2013, "First Karl Schwarzschild Meeting 2013", FIAS, Frankfurt, July 22 - 26, 2013
- Workshop on Sampling Particles on the Cooper-Frye Transition Surface, Schmitten, July 18 - 20, 2013
- ISACC 2013, "Sixth International Symposium Atomic Cluster Collisions", Wuhan-Chongqing, China, July 18 - 23, 2013
- Workshop on Transport Theory in Heavy Ion Collisions, Schmitten, July 15 - 17, 2013
- International Conference on Nuclear Physics: Presence and Future, Boppard, May 29 – June 05, 2013
- Mind Group, "The Wandering Mind", 19. Meeting of the Junior Research Group "Philosophy of Mind", Zurich, March 25-26, 2013
- Workshop on Brain-Inspired Systems, FIAS, Frankfurt, Jan 29 - 30, 2013