FIAS International Symposion on Discoveries at the Frontiers of Science

Walter Greiner, our late colleague, mentor and friend, will be honored at the

“FIAS International Symposion on Discoveries at the Frontiers of Science”

The Symposion is hosted by FIAS, the Frankfurter Förderverein für physikalische Grundlagenforschung and the Department of Physics of the Goethe University during the week June 26 - 30, 2017. 

This Symposion will cover the wide area of science Walter was interested in  – ranging from theoretical nuclear structure physics, exotic nuclei and super heavy elements, atomic and strong field theory, the nuclear equation of state, new phases of matter, relativistic heavy ion physics, particle- and astrophysics, to biology, high performance computing and network dynamics. 

Former colleagues and friends of Walter are invited to attend the FIAS Symposion and present their recent scientific work. 

Proceedings will be published by Springer.


  • Reiner Dreizler
  • Nikolaus Hensel 
  • Volker Lindenstruth
  • Owe Philipsen
  • Dirk Rischke
  • Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
  • Stefan Schramm
  • Horst Stöcker


Here is the program overview for download, for a detailed daily schedule please check the daily-pages:


Dear participants,

we will publish the proceedings of the event as a Springer book in their FIAS Interdisciplinary Science Series. You are invited to contribute an article to this volume (about 10 pages). As dowloads you'll find the Springer guidelines for manuscript preparation, which also include preparation tools for Latex and Word. They are discussed and links for downloading the corresponding files can be found in Section 2 of the guidelines (under "contributed books"). In the attachments there is also the relevant package with the latex files that are referred to in the booklet.

The deadline for submission is the end of 2017.

Best wishes, Horst Stöcker