FIAS and the scientific networks DynaMem, CMMS, ‘Xidian-FIAS Joint Research Center’ (XF-JRC), the Rhein-Main Universities, and the graduate program GRADE – iQbio are pleased to offer an international conference & summer school on theoretical and experimental quantitative Cell Biology. The event focuses on theoretical aspects in life sciences and beyond. The event is solely online except for the "Laureatus Award" Ceremony.
The 8-day event combines a conference with summer school elements consisting of expert lectures from leading scientists, next-generation talks, and lab demonstrations (see the program for details). Each day has a special topic.
The aims of our Giersch – Summer School & International Conference are:
- We aim to foster exchange between experimental and theoretical research by creating a platform for networking
- We aim to present cutting edge science in the afore mentioned research field
- We aim to present cutting edge methods from the experimental and theoretical field of multiscale biology
Scientific Task
A simultaneous quantitative recording of different, partially complementary properties on different scales of a biological system enables the conception of mathematical and computer based models for their description and, out of it derived, their knowledge based experimental or therapeutically manipulation. Multi-scale and multi-physics models of biological systems facilitate an experimentally provable and distinct formulation of the properties of biological processes and allow a hypothesis-driven optimization of following experiments.
To register, please use the link below. All participants will receive a confirmation of participation. Your log-in data will be sent shortly before the event. Normally all common operating systems should work to join the events.
More Information:
Bernd Märtens, Phone: +49 (0)69/798-49418,
email: b.maertens_at_em.uni-frankfurt.de,
Address: Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Max-von-Laue-Str. 9, 60348 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Summer School
Due to the Corona pandemic, the summer school consists of lab demonstrations and next generation talks. The next generation talks are reserved for Ph.D. students and postdocs. Please apply for giving a talk with the registration
Ph.D. Students and Postdocs are eligible to apply for a "Next Generation Talk", therefore please select “Application Next Generation Talk” after logging into the registration and follow the instructions.
- PhD student or Postdoc
- short CV
- title of your talk
- abstract of your talk
The selection of the talks for the different topics will be done by student groups of research projects and Ph.D. programs named in the program.
The conference & summer school focus on the main topics: quantitative imaging in life sciences, quantitative cell biology, BIG DATA in life sciences, structural analysis and modeling in life sciences, theory on cellular dynamics, AI in biology, theoretical and digital medicine, and experimental and theoretical neurosciences. The topics will be presented by more than 50 international speakers.
Keynote speakers (all keynotes will be open to the public)
- Chris Boos, arago GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany
- Werner Kühlbrandt, MPI Biophysics Frankfurt, Germany
- Martin Meier-Schellersheim National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA.
- Thomas Südhof, Stanford University, USA
- Hanieh Saeedi, Goethe University, Senckenberg Insitute, Fellow of the JQ Young Academy, Germany
- Andreas Widl, SAMSON AG, Frankfurt, Germany
- Peter Wild, Senckenberg Institute of Pathology, Frankfurt, Germany
- Moritz Helmstädter, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt Germany
A list of all confirmed speakers will be published soon.
Week 1
22.02. Quantiative Imanging in Life Sciences
23.02. Quantitative Cell Biology
24.02. BIG DATA in Life Sciences
25.02. Structural Analysis and Modelling in Life Sciences
Week 2
01.03. Theory on cellular Dynamics
02.03. AI in Biology
03.03. Theoretical and digital Medicine
04.03. Experimental and theoretical Neurosciences