Collaborative project CoNDyNet 2: CoNDyNet II - Collective non-linear dynamics of complex power grids - Decentralized optimization and forecasting uncertainties in power systems

Within the subsequent funding of the joint project "Collective Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Electricity Grids" (CoNDyNet II), FIAS concentrates on the decentralized and distributed optimization of grids and their consideration under uncertainty.
On the one hand, the subproject to be handled by FIAS deals with the addressing of decentralized and distributed optimization, as it is relevant in energy markets of the future, where consumers are given a more active role, e.g. through active demand management or peer-to-peer trading. On the other hand, optimization and operation of networks are considered under uncertainty in order to examine one of the remaining open questions of the predecessor project of general validity and to take into account the enormous importance of this aspect in highly renewable energy systems.
FIAS is working on the subprojects II.4c (Decentralized and Distributed Optimization with Markets) and III.11 (Optimization under Uncertainty).
The questions to be investigated within the framework of this collaborative project make a fundamental contribution to the successful implementation of the second half of the energy system transformation.
Further information can be found on the project website.
Project Leader and Cooperation Partners
Project lead at FIAS
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Horst Stöcker (former Prof. Dr. Stefan Schramm)
Cooperation Partners
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) (Coordinator)
- Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ)
- Jacobs University Bremen (JUB)
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Technical University Dresden (TUDD)
- Technical University Clausthal (TUC)