COST-THOR Spring School on Science Communication

In many current debates it is becoming increasingly difficult for science to make its voice heard. In times of so-called "alternative facts" scientific results are sometimes even deliberately ignored or manipulated to gain advantages.

In the future, this social debate will become increasingly stronger and probably also more aggressive.
Many researchers are consciously withdrawing more and more from this discussion. There are certainly many reasons for this, but it ultimately leads to the debate being conducted less and less with empirically verifiable data and more emotionally charged, irrational and interest-driven in the long term.

The withdrawal of scientists from the discourse is largely due to a lack of time, knowledge and structures.

The THOR Spring School brings together young scientists from Particle- and Heavy Ion Physics to give them an idea on how to communicate their science.


The program starts on March 18 and ends March 22.

The program of the workshop is very interactive and offers a lot of space for working and interacting together.
After impulse lectures in the morning, innovative and sustainable concepts of science communication will be worked on in parallel group sessions.

The participants deliberately come from many different areas of science to generate as many ideas as possible.

The last day is dedicated to implementation, where possibilities are worked out for implementing the projects in concrete terms.

Program THOR-School
Program THOR-School

Lecturers and Mentors

More information


Prague offers a variety of hotels in all price ranges. We offer the accomodation for the participants at the university hostel Masarykova Kolej at rates of 620CZK (~25€) for a single room or 1040 CZK (~40€) for a double room including breakfast. If you are interested, please send an email to by the end of February. 


Registration is done via email to Please include a 1-2 page CV and a short statement why you want to attend the spring school. 

Travel grants

The workshop is funded by the COST action THOR, which enables us to offer travel grants for participants. We can grant scholarships that cover 950€ as a lump-sum.

Seminar rooms

The workshop venue will be the Technical University of Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering (Brehova 7). The exact seminar rooms will be given in due time.


The workshop takes place in the beautiful city of Prague, which is easily reachable by train or plane. All travel has to be organised individually.


Participants can be from institutions of all COST-THOR participating countries or partner institutions. For a list please see the link below. If you are unsure, please contact us.

THOR participating countries

Practical information around Prague


The Czech Republic uses its own currency: the Czech Crown (Koruna česká). Euros may be accepted in some shops and supermarkets at slightly unfavourable exchange rate. Currently the exchange rate is about 25,60 CZK per 1 Euro. 

Public transportation

In order to use the public transportation in Prague you need tickets which can be bought from vending machines or at some kiosks. The vending machines at the airport accept Czech coins and contactless credit/debit cards. Following tickets can be bought: 30 min for 24.00 CZK (may not be enough for the trip from airport to the city)

90 min for 32.00 CZK

24 hrs for 110.00 CZK

72 hrs for 310.00 CZK

Tickets start to be valid after stamping in the bus or tram when beginning the journey, or when entering the metro tunnel. It is permitted to change the lines up to the expiration limit of the ticket.

To travel from the airport to the city, the usual choice is the bus No. 119 (bus stop right at the exit from the arrival terminal) and then change at the terminus of the bus to metro A (green) in direction “Depo Hostivař”. For people staying in Masarykova kolej, leave metro at the station “Dejvická”.

For more information on Prague public transportation see


The School takes place at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University. The street address is Břehová 7. Morning lectures will take place in Atrium (ground floor, just next to the entrance). Public transportation stop: “Staroměstská” (metro A, trams 2, 17, 18, bus 207).

First day

Please come to the venue a little bit earlier in order to find the place and sign the attendance sheets.


Wednesday afternoon is reserved for excursions. We have not planned any fixed programme for the participants and invite you to enjoy the city of Prague on your own. Please do not hesitate to ask local students and organisers for suggestions and recommendations.


Organiser: Dr. Sascha Vogel


Local Organisers:

Jan Čepila, Libor Škoda, Boris Tomášik, Jana Bielčíková

THOR Science Communication Officer:

Maria Paola Lombardo



The spring school is supported by COST.

Logo TU Prague

The spring school is co-organised by the Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University.

Logo UJF

The spring school is co-organised by the Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.