
Seismology and Artificial Intelligence
'The Seismology and Artificial Intelligence workshop funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF) is being organised from 13th September to 15th September 2023 at Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies. This workshop is part of an established project ´Seismology and AI -SAI´ at FIAS and Institute of Geosciences, Goethe University.
Condensend Complexity - The Essence of Information Processing and Cognition?
At the 5th International Giersch School & Conference will bring together experts from neuroscience, molecular and developmental biology, simulation and machine learning, and quantum computing and sensing. It will explore fundamental commonalities across systems from these distinct fields, at the same time highlighting their peculiarities, and how material and temporal constraints may have shaped them.
Conference series at FIAS
Giersch International Symposium
Since 2016, the Giersch International Symposium is held yearly at FIAS. The conference series, funded by STIFTUNG GIERSCH gives young scientists the opportunity to learn from well known, exceptional reasearchers and to expand their networks.
Karl Schwarzschild Meeting
The 3rd Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics and the Gauge/Gravity Correspondence will be held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on 24-28 July 2017. The conference will focus on black holes in astrophysics, quantum gravity, and the gauge/gravity correspondence. Further information can be found on the conference website.
Ernst Strüngmann Forum
The Ernst Strüngmann Forum is dedicated to the promotion of interdisciplinary communication and research. Through its innovative communication process, the Ernst Strüngmann Forum provides a creative environment within which top international scientists discuss themes that transcend classic disciplinary boundaries.
Conferences and Workshops 2020-2022
Conferences and Workshops 2018 & 2019
Kick-Off: SPP 2041 - Computational Connectomics
On 2 and 3 May 2018, the FIAS hosted the kick-off meeting of the DFG priority programme "SPP 2041 - Computational Connectomics". The goal of SPP 2041 is to better understand the interconnection and function of our brain and nervous system. Using methods of computer science and mathematics, the participating scientists try to better understand the structure of the connections between individual nerve cells or entire brain regions by using the term "computational connectomics".
Further information can be found at
15. SAB Conference
This interdisciplinary conference brings together researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence, artificial life, control, robotics, neurosciences, ethology, evolutionary biology and related fields in order to further our understanding of the behaviours and underlying mechanisms that allow natural and artificial animals (so-called animats) to adapt and survive in uncertain environments.
3rd Giersch International Symposium
The 3rd Giersch International Symposium will take place at FIAS from 28.08.-07.09.2018 under the topic: "The Logistics of Neural Function". The symposium brings together leading experimenters, theorists and method developers from the field of neuroscience to exchange fundamental questions. The aim is to understand the functioning and logistical challenges of nerve cells from the ground up. international FAIR school
The sixth edition of the International FAIR School took place in Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy from September 07-14, 2019.
European Summer School on Science Communication
In many current debates it is becoming increasingly difficult for science to make its voice heard. In times of so-called "alternative facts" scientific results are sometimes even deliberately ignored or manipulated to gain advantages.
The withdrawal of scientists from the discourse is largely due to a lack of time, knowledge and structures.
The European summer school brings together young scientists to give them an idea on how to communicate their science.
COST-THOR Spring School on Science Communication
In the future, this social debate will become increasingly stronger and probably also more aggressive.
Many researchers are consciously withdrawing more and more from this discussion. There are certainly many reasons for this, but it ultimately leads to the debate being conducted less and less with empirically verifiable data and more emotionally charged, irrational and interest-driven in the long term.
The THOR Spring School brings together young scientists from Particle- and Heavy Ion Physics to give them an idea on how to communicate their science.
Conferences and Workshops 2017
FIAS International Symposion on Discoveries at the Frontiers of Science
In Rememberance of Walter Greiner, founding father of FIAS
the “FIAS International Symposion on Discoveries at the Frontiers of Science” was hosted in June 2017.
STARS School
The school "Modeling Matter under Extreme Conditions", to be held from 3 to 5 of May, 2017 in Havana, Cuba, will take place in the E Street, corner of 15 Street, No. 309 Vedado, La Habana, 10400, in the offices of the Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics and Physics - ICIMAF.
Interdisciplinary Science Communication 2017
The workshop “Interdisciplinary Science Communication 2017” was held from Juli 10-14 2017 for the first time. It was its goal to connect experienced Science communicators with scientists to exchange knowledge and expand networks. The Workshop was held in German.
Karl Schwarzschild Meeting 2017
The 3rd Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics and the Gauge/Gravity Correspondence will be held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, on 24-28 July 2017. The conference will focus on black holes in astrophysics, quantum gravity, and the gauge/gravity correspondence.
5th International FAIR School
The fifth edition of the International FAIR School will take place in Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, from September 03-10, 2017.
Giersch International Symposium 2017
This years Giersch Symposium was held form October 16-27 at FIAS in Frankfurt, with its main focus on cancer therapy with particle beams. With the start of the first clinical facility with dual ion options (protons and carbon) in Heidelberg, Germany, in 2009, the interst in hadrontherapy has been constantly growing. New facilites are emerging in Europe and have started the treatment of patients: MIT in Marburg, MedAustron in Wiener Neustadt and CNAO in Pavia.
CONNECT 2017: Science and Society
The Symposium “Science and Society” will create a collaborative platform and bring together young researchers and established scientists from the humanities and social sciences (philosophy, law, economics) and natural sciences (physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry). Given the historical background of the region, the group of participants and keynote speakers/lecturers is carefully selected and represents the different ethnical groups as well as the different countries and regions. This multi- disciplinary group will discuss and develop new projects and will identify new forms of cooperation across the western Balkans region and with Germany.
A Meeting of the COST Action Group CANTATA was held at FIAS on November 7 and 8 2017.
Past conferences
Here is a overview on our past conferences.